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Here are 5 of the best no-contact service businesses you can start without ever having to come in direct contact with a homeowner. These 5 service businesses are considered exterior-only services. They can all be started for a very low cost.
Unlike other service businesses such as interior painting or house cleaning, these service businesses don’t require you to enter the home.
- No license or certification is required
- Entering your customers home is not required
- No experience is necessary if you are willing to learn
- Payment processing can be a no-touch environment with Square Up
- If customers aren’t home, you can still perform the necessary job

#1 Landscaping & Mulch Service
Average Installation $3,240
A service business with many different layers so you can easily choose your desired niche.
There are many tasks in a landscaping business that may include raking and blowing leaves, mowing, mulching, trimming, planting, digging, fertilizing, sod installation, landscape design, and even snow removal.
But in order to apply the KISS Method (Keep It Stupid Simple), and if you are just starting out, I believe it is best to start with Mowing.
Once you start mowing lawns, your business will naturally increase to other areas. Your clients paying for lawn care will likely ask for more services such as planting, cleanup or even junk removal.
This isn’t just a hunch, I know this from experience. Because while using lawn care services for many years, we frequently ask for other services. In addition, my family had a cleaning service for decades and our commercial clients would ask for other services like grass cutting and window washing.
Mowing lawns can be hard labor but once your business starts to grow, you will be able to get hired help — in order to take the load off of yourself! My friend Antonio started this way. I remember when I hired him, he was all on his own. I referred him to my mom, my sister, and then my dad.
Suddenly, Antonio had 4+ weekly clients. I told him he needed a Sign Magnet for his truck. He purchased one but it was small and hard to read so I said “Tony, you need a BIG SIGN that clearly displays your services with a phone number”. He listened and his referral business exploded! He is always booked solid.
The landscaping industry has an annual revenue of 99+ Billion and 39 Million homeowners had landscaping work completed in the previous year. Landscaping companies have seen 74% of their business coming from returning customers ~ iPropertyManagement.com
HomeAdvisor reports hiring a Landscaping Service ranges from $1,381-$5,346 with a National Average of $3,240.00. The Low End to the High End is $300.00 – $10,500. This is accurate data as it is taken from their reported 17,653 HomeAdvisor members.
There are several reports indicating that you could be making well over a six figure income from working in landscaping in a little over a year.
Landscaping Start-Up Basics: Business Flyers, Business Cards, Cell Phone, Lawn Mower, Rake, Shovel, Sign Magnets, Appointment Book, and a Pick-Up Truck or SUV.

#2 Deck Sealing & Staining
Deck Sealing Range $552-$1259
According to HomeAdvisor, the National Average for deck sealing or staining is $875. The low end is $250 & the high end is reported as $2000!
Target both sealing & staining for maximum income and customer potential.
I contacted deck staining companies many times in the past. I located these companies in the free Clipper Magazine that frequently came to my mailbox. The quotes I received were between $550-$950. Once I hired a company, I was surprised at how easy the process really was. Since I worked from home, I was able to watch the entire process from start to finish.
Prior to the company showing up, I was told to make sure the deck was clean. They also made sure to show up on a day where there was no rain in the forecast. When they arrived, they blew the deck off with a leaf blower and pounded in a few nails that were sticking up a bit.
Next, they poured the colored stain directly on the deck and they started swooshing around the stain with regular mops that you would see a janitor use at any local mall or school. It seemed so easy!
TIP: When selling a job, try to persuade the customer into picking a stain that is a close match to their current stain color. This will make the application go easier. If they choose differently, consider charging more for your services.
Deck Sealing & Staining Start-Up Basics: Business Flyers, Business Cards, Cell Phone, Sign Magnets, Mops, Brushes, Rollers, Rags, Leaf Blower, Power Washer, Appointment Book, Vehicle.

#3 Driveway Blacktop Sealing
You Don’t Have to Reinvent the Wheel
Buy a squeegee and you are in business! You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. It’s not necessary to come up with an original idea. There are plenty of service businesses that you can start today for under $100.
HomeAdvisor reports the cost of hiring an Asphalt Sealing Company ranges from $242-$656 with an average cost of $447.00. This is accurate data as it is taken from reported 4,329 HomeAdvisor members. The Low End to the High End is $135-$1,400.
I recently had a conversation with my stepbrother about a driveway sealing business that he sold. He said it was very profitable. Most of the work came from word of mouth and from neighbors while working on the job.
Originally, he posted about the business on Facebook but quickly stopped after getting more business than he could handle. Since he only wanted the business for a part-time income, he ended up selling the business to a friend.
It just goes to show you that for a service-related business, word of mouth and just simply working on the jobsite can get you all the business you need to be successful.
I live in a cul-de-sac and a few times in the past, a few neighbors came to my door to let me know they were getting their driveway sealed. If I wanted to get my driveway done too, the sealing company would give us a 10% discount.
This is a good strategy for you to tell potential customers! Let them know if they convince other neighbors to get their driveway sealed too, you could offer a discount.
Blacktop Driveway Sealing Start-Up Basics: Business Flyers, Business Cards, Cell Phone, Sign Magnets, Squeegee’s, Brushes, Rags, Leaf Blower, Appointment Book, Vehicle.

#4 Pressure Washing
Pressure Washing Surfaces
Combining pressure washing with fence & deck staining will likely increase jobs and income substantially.
HomeAdvisor reports the cost to pressure wash a house is $185-$383 with an average price of $284. This cost data is actual project costs as reported by 29,453 members.
I was the president of my homeowners association for a few years. I ran for the board because my subdivision started looking subpar. One of my very first calls was to get a quote from a pressure washing company – in order to remove the black soot from the entranceway concrete.
This $250 was money well spent! The entranceway looked amazing and homeowners were raving about how nice it looked when they pulled in and out of the subdivision.
A few years later, I decided to buy a cheap pressure washer in order to clean my sidewalks and patio. It turned out to be a long and arduous project. I guess I wasn’t prepared! The nozzle had many settings and I didn’t even realize I needed a concrete cleaning solution. Talk about a time sucker!
Going forward, I let the professionals do the work and I am glad I did. Their equipment is commercial grade and they were able to get the work done 10 times faster than me.
Power Washing Start-Up Basics: Business Flyers, Business Cards, Cell Phone, Sign Magnets, Leaf Blower, Power Washer, Cleaning Solution, Appointment Book, Vehicle.

#5 Gutter Cleaning Service
Cleaning Services are Big Business
If you have a fear of heights this service business might not be for you. Cleaning businesses as a whole are big business. You really only need to tap into one of these specialized niches in the cleaning industry to do well.
A gutter cleaning business has an extremely low start-up. You only need protective gloves, a ladder and some other miscellaneous supplies.
HomeAdvisor reports the cost of hiring a Gutter Cleaning Service ranges from $118-$225 with an average cost of $157.00. The Low End to the High End is $75-$350.
I recently had a new roof installed on my home and the roofing company included gutter clean-out in their agreement. However, there is still build-up in my gutters and downspouts. Every time there is a hard rain, my gutters are overflowing and there is seepage coming from the outside box miter and the downspouts.
Since I am currently experience this problem and it’s not the first time I had the issue, I can clearly see this business to to be an in-demand service.
Note: It is recommended to have your gutters cleaned up three times per year. I was shocked to read the experts making these recommendations but it’s starting to makes more sense now.
Gutter Cleaning Start-Up Basics: Business Flyers, Business Cards, Cell Phone, Sign Magnets, Ladder, Cleaning Supplies, Appointment Book, Vehicle.
TIP: Having a repeatable process for your business is Key. That’s why franchise models work! Your success is dependent upon it.
Notable Service Businesses
I covered 5 of the Best No-Contact Service Businesses You Can Start from Home for Around $100.00-$200.00. But there are many other notable service businesses that you could start on a shoestring budget.
Check out other notable service businesses below. I included the job range and averages for each business per the HomeAdvisor TrueCost Guide.
- Carpet Cleaning – Job Range $121-233 & $176 Average
- Handyman Services – Job Range $177-647 & $389 Average
- Junk Removal – Job Range $134-357 & $234 Average
- Moving Company – Job Range $600-1,638 & $1,118 Average
- Pool Openings/Closings – Job Range $121-375 & $231 Average
- Chimney Sweeping – Job Range $127-356 & $241 Average
- Construction Site Cleaning – Job Range $275-652 & $441 Average
- Mosquito Services – Job Range $108-261 & $173 Average
- Pest Removal – Job Range $169-495 & $329 Average
- Tile & Grout Cleaning – Job Range $279-644 & $451 Average
- Kitchen Cabinet Painting – Job Range $384-1,112 & $697 Average
- Tile Installation – Job Range $858-2,692 & $1,774 Average
- Air Duct Cleaning – Job Range $268-483 & $367 Average
- Garage Organization – Job Range $649-2,509 & $1,459 Average
- Drywall Installation – Job Range $955-2,531 & $1,727 Average
- Fence Installation – Job Range $1,641-3,952 & $2,762 Average
Feel free to check out the HomeAdvisor TrueCost Guide for yourself by clicking here: Cost Guide
Final Thoughts
Starting a new business can make many people feel uncomfortable. It certainly was an uncomfortable experience for me at first. Don’t make too much of this, it’s natural to have fear when starting something new. This may come from self-doubt, an insecurity, or even from other people in your life telling you that you can’t do something. Don’t let this stop you from getting what you want!
TIP: Do you have any friends or family? I figured you would say yes… That’s good because you could increase your business by having your friends and family put a sign magnet on their car for you. There are companies out there today that pay drivers for advertisements like this. But your family and friends might be willing to do this and help you out for free. My mom did this for me. Thanks Mom!
Starting a service business is all about filling a need. You goal is to serve homeowners to the best of your ability. If you do this, your business will likely succeed!
My final thought for you is to remember to keep it simple. Many people get overwhelmed and overcomplicate starting a business. This doesn’t have to be complicated! Pick a service business that’s a good fit for you and get started using the start-up basics.
Remember, this post is aimed to be an accurate depiction of how lucrative and easy it is to get started with a service business. Although this post offers a tremendous amount of valuable and relevant information, it is not intended to be an absolute step. But this step, is a necessary step to help you start the process of being a highly successful Service Business Owner.
Take action by picking a business that not only you desire the most, but also that suits you the best. You want to give yourself the best chance for massive success. Once you decide on your specialized niche, re-read the start-up basics and begin gathering all the items needed and then get to work!