#1 House Cleaning – In-Demand Service Business
Do you know how to clean? If you said yes, I am happy to hear it! And if you said know no, sorry… but I am a little worried about you. Just Kidding, Lol.
All jokes aside though, the janitorial services generated $61 billion in U.S. dollars in 2019. There were approximately 3.24 million people in the United States working as janitors and cleaners. This does not include maids and house cleaners.
When I was just 12 years old, I realized the potential of a house cleaning business…

I realized early on in life that Service Businesses were in high demand. I also knew that these types of businesses could be started on a shoestring budget because we barely had any money when this journey began.
The cleaning industry is a service industry that my family tapped into! Before my teenage years, my mom and dad started a house cleaning business.
This was a good transition for my family since my dad was already working as a salesman, selling chemicals and cleaning supplies to schools.
When I was 12 years old, I was basically required to deliver flyers for our family cleaning business. I remember my Dad dropping me, my brother and a friend off in nice neighborhoods with stacks of flyers.
I remember my dad’s old white Chevy van and the bright colored flyers like it was yesterday. I only remember the company name and the slogan on the flyer though: “Mighty Maid’s – Have it made in the shade with Mighty Maid’s.”
This business was started by my mom and dad basically coming up with a name (it wasn’t even incorporated), making a flyer, running copies and having us kids deliver the flyers in neighborhood mailboxes.
By the way, it’s illegal to physically put flyers in mailboxes & we got caught.
Tip: Always put flyers on the outside of the mailbox or put rubber bands around the flyer and secure the flyer on the front door handles.
My dad was really proud of the name and the logo he came up with. He located an animated image of Carol Burnett holding a mop next to a bucket and used that image on the business cards, letterhead and flyers. I don’t think he figured anyone would pay much attention to trademark infringement at the time and they didn’t.

The cleaning business grew in record time. There were several cleaning crews coming over to our home each morning to get their daily schedules. This created complaints from our neighbors.
We discovered this after the Police showed up at our house (kids never forget things like that) and informed us that we couldn’t continue having so many cars on the street.
This is a solid industry that can be scaled! Cleaning businesses have stood the test of time and they continue to increase in overall growth year-over-year. You might want to consider this service business.
Do you think you could start a cleaning business today? I bet you can!
40 Commercial Cleaning Accounts
Since my dad was already selling cleaning supplies to commercial companies and the house cleaning business was a success, he decided to take the business to the next level. This involved selling Commercial Cleaning.
Commercial Office Cleaning Accounts for Approximately 31% of the Cleaning Industry Revenue.
As with anything, it took some time to close cleaning account but he eventually built the business — Abbott Building Systems to 40 commercial cleaning accounts! Each account was in the several thousands per month. The 40 accounts brought in significant revenue.
My dads progression to Commercial Cleaning really paid off for our family. He was known for having the big house at the top of the hill. He always inspired me and had an incredible entrepreneurial spirit.
Starting A Small Cleaning Business (KISS)
I have seen many articles and blogs online over complicating how to start a cleaning business. I strongly believe these article and blogs can be extremely counterproductive and are the reason people decide to not take action. The reason for this is because they don’t follow the Keep It Super Simple (KISS) method.
For example, the last article I read after searching “how to start a cleaning business from scratch” on Google goes into required topics such as: You must create a business plan, you must form a business entity, hire an accountant, consult with an attorney, etc.
All of these things seem to be designed to scare you off from starting a cleaning business in the first place! They are obviously written by people who have absolutely no experience with starting a cleaning business. It’s hard to believe these actually rank #1 on Google.
It’s my goal to give you real insight and keep everything very simple. At the same time, I want to be realistic and give you real world experiences when I can.
Lastly, starting a service business on a shoestring budget is about being as cost efficient as possible. Especially in the beginning before you earn your first dollar. You don’t want to start spending money unless it is absolutely necessary.
Cleaning Business Market Ideas
- Create a Facebook Business Page (share your page with friends).
- New Facebook Post on Your Business Page then Boost it (as little as 1.00 per day).
- Google Ads (when doing a Google Ad, target zip codes).
- Free Business Listings: Yelp, Angie’s List, Thumbtack.
- Buy a Business Domain on GoDaddy (create a free 1-page insta-page website using GoDaddy. Be sure to use the free version, there is one type on GoDaddy that will give you a free trial but will then auto-renew. You want to call and make sue you are redeeming your free credit for insta-page.
- Put Flyers on Bulletin Boards in Local Grocery Stores.
- Get The Word Out: Call, text and email family, friends and neighbors about your new cleaning business and offer them a introductory special discount.
- Local Newspaper Ads Offline and Online.
- Yellow Pages Offline and Online.
HomeAdvisor reports hiring a Maid Service ranges from $116-$235 with a median price of $167.00. Per hour costs range between $50 and $90 per hour. This is accurate data as it is taken from their reported 65,906 HomeAdvisor members. With these types of numbers, you could even begin hiring help in no time!
House Cleaning Start-Up Basics:
Business Flyers, Business Cards, Free Email Address (i.e. patscleaning@gmail.com), Cell Phone, Car Magnets, Appointment Book, and a Car. That’s it. You could even borrow a car! Tip: Appointment book 94 cents at Walmart or use your free Google Calendar!
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